Product Description
Fresh Yellow Rose Wine Topper packet - Patricia Rawlinson Bring a little piece of inspiration to your home. Display your beautiful work in one of your Includes: Fresh Yellow Rose Instructions, Pattern, Supply List and Pictures Surface: Wine Topper 2 Glass WD058 Brushes: #2 Easy Stroke Brush TOOL443_2, #6 Filbert Stroke Brush TOOL271_3, 1/2 White Wonder Filbert Comb Brush TOOL222_3, 3/8 and 1/2 Clearly Amazing Angle Shader Brush TOOL221_8, #12 Clearly Amazing Filbert BRSH005_5 Palette: DecoArt Americana: Admiral Blue DA213, Avocado DA052, Burnt Sienna DA063, Evergreen DA082, Hauser light Green DA131, Lamp Black DA067, Lemon Yellow DA011, Light Buttermilk DA164, Moon Yellow DA007, Olive Green DA056, Sapphire DA099, Traditional Raw Sienna DA222, True Ochre DA143, Winter Blue DA190 Supplies: Artists Buddy BWC018, Duraclear Matte Varnish TOOL352, Duraclear Gloss Varnish TOOL352_1, Traditions Faux Finishing Medium MDMS008_2, Brass Metal Powder - 1 oz TOOL397_10, DecoArt Multi Purpose Sealer TOOL217, Painters Pyramids TOOL499, Triple Threat Ghost Writer TOOL320, Magnetic Paint PNTM007, Mushroom Sponge TOOL526, Ink Sweeper TOOL419, Pen-Style Half pipe Compass TOOL124, 12in Calibrated T-Square Ruler TOOL135, Smash Pen - Black TOOL533_1, 1/8 and 1/4 Stretchy Tape TOOL113_2 Additional Supplies: Micro Eraser TOOL445, Nitrile Gloves TOOL198_6, 100/220 Grits Sanding Disk (small) TOOL137_1, 280/400 Grit Sanding Disk (small) TOOL136_1, Shell Brush Groomer TOOL300_4, Handy Scraper TOOL537